Aconity3D MultiScan

Aconity3D is proud to announce the all-new Dual 3D Scan Head. Its stackable design facilitates industry-leading full-overlap 400 mm scan field exposure with up to 4 Lasers, setting a new standard in productivity for series applications of LPBF. The Dual Scan head is equipped with an innovative calibration procedure and compatible with Aconity3D’s leading edge

Research Project AddSteel

Main objective of the project AddSteel is the optimization of steel materials for Additive Manufacturing. This includes alloy as well as process development as well as material- and part characterization. Besides material science related issues, the project also addresses an economical analysis of the production process from atomization to the finished part. This project is

Research Project AddToP

Aconity has teamed up with partners from industry & research to jointly develop a technology processor for laser beam melting (LBM). Main objective is to enable the application of knowledge-based adaptive processing strategies without the requirement of expert know-how. By this means, the process parameters for part production are optimized under technological, ecological and economical

Aconity3D opens North American facilities

Aconity3D is proud to pronounce its cooperation with the W.M. Keck Center at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). The cooperation is aimed to further intensivy the strong bounds between the German based company and one of the leading research entities on Additive Manufacturing in America with the focus of extending the current

Aconity3D moves to new production site

Aconity3D has moved to its new production site in summer 2018. With an overall combined office and production space of 2000 m², growing space requirements are satisfied for both machine manufacturing as well as customer specific applied research within our testing facilities business unit.

Process Monitoring at Aconity3D

Aconity3D has shown first results of its high-speed CMOS process monitoring tool during 2018’s Aachener Kolloquium for Laser Technology (AKL) in Aachen. The process monitoring tool allows for in-line identification of the influence of changed process parameters on the to-be-built part. The featured video shows a comparisson of the size of the melt pool for

Aconity3D is Network Founding Partner for Printed Metal Spare Parts

For industrial application of metal AM, production of spare parts is becoming increasingly important to reduce inefficient inventory for many different applications. Printed spare parts on demand may reduce inventory and save costs. In this framework, innovation and development are integral parts of Aconity3D’s corporate tradition. To be always up to date, the SpartsAMx cooperation

Aconity3D GmbH Launches Additive Series Production

Aconity3D GmbH Launches Additive Manufacturing (AM) Series Production. The illustrated part shows a gas guiding geometry which is applied for the fume extraction unit of Aconity3D metal printers. For 3D printing of metals a homogenous fume extraction represents a precondition for manufacturing high quality parts with minimum variation at industrial standards. Using Aconity’s own 3D